Music Therapy at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
It was so beautiful, that experience will stay with me for the rest of my life. - NICU parent
From May 2021 - May 2022, Chiltern ran a Music Therapy Service at St Mary’s Hospital and Queen Charlotte and Chelsea Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare London. After an initial pilot was funded by the amazing support of Eaton Square School, the expansion and next part of the service was generously jointly funded by the Hummingbird Charitable Trust, the Sohn Conference Foundation and Imperial Health Charity, and delivered in collaboration with Chiltern Music Therapy by Neurologic and NICU Music Therapist, Natasha Larkin.
420 sessions took place across four of the main children’s wards and the two neonatal units. 153 unique patients were seen by the music therapist.
Evidence of the impact of the service for patients, families and staff was gathered through the use of service-tailored questionnaires, verbal feedback and feedback cards with the support of Imperial Health Charity. Responses from the staff survey report that the music therapy service benefits widely patients and families and supports the wellbeing of staff. Data collection throughout the first year pilot demonstrates that the music therapy service is far reaching across patient demographics and needs.
This is an amazing add-on to our services and has been particularly helpful for our patients with neurodevelopment issues. -Staff member