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Using Music Tech in Neurologic Music Therapy

In 2021, Neurologic Music Therapist James Lea provided a half day a week of therapy sessions utilising the app MindHarp at the Royal Buckinghamshire Hospital in Aylesbury.

4 unique patients were seen  with diagnoses that included motor neurone disease, Right Hemiplegic Stroke, Complete Spinal Injury and Acquired Brain Injury for a mixture of 1:1 and group sessions.

MindHarp is primarily a unique way to relax and find calm through the power of musical sound. Anyone can play and enjoy MindHarp. By tapping buttons on a simple interface, players can explore a wide range of finely crafted and professionally produced musical sound.

Over the course of the sessions delivered, the MindHarp's impact on the following clinical domains became apparent: Cognition,  Emotional Wellbeing, Communication and Social Interaction, and Motor Skills.

In order to monitor detailed progress in sessions, the Music Therapy Star © (below) was completed for each adult at the start and end of therapeutic intervention. Each patient had a minimum of 4 sessions working towards tailored therapeutic goals.

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