Song for Life
Nobody knows what’s around the corner. At Chiltern Music Therapy we want to help people, if they find themselves in times of trouble, from a brain injury or dementia. We fully understand the power that music has to make a positive impact on people’s lives, no matter how severe their injury or illness may be. Research has shown that music is processed in several different areas of the brain. This means that even if some areas are damaged, music can still reach others. In fact, music can help build new neural pathways around the damaged areas of the brain.
That is why we have launched the “Song for Life” Card.
The card has been designed as a gift to your future self. It fits inside your wallet alongside your donor card and driver's licence and can be kept there in case you ever need it. Your card will have a song you choose that can spark memories and enhance communication with your loved ones if you have had a brain injury or dementia.
How to pick your song?
You could choose the song you remember your mother singing to you when you were a baby or the song that was playing when you met your spouse. These songs have external, personal meaning which can be very significant.
- What song reminds you of your childhood?
- What song was played at your wedding?
- What songs do you associate with your identity?
- What songs do you associate with happy memories?
- What music always gets you dancing?
Get your Song for Life card
Want to take part in Song for Life? You can sign up for your very own card here, either a free digital card or a paid for physical card, which costs just £3.50! Click below to get started.
Create your digital cardPurchase a physical cardCase Study
One of our Neurologic Music Therapists, recently used our Song for Life card initiative at a regular Leicestershire Community Group for those with dementia, Parkinson’s and other age-related illnesses. It was a great tool for this type of group session as it encouraged discussion and stimulated memory in some of the participants.
Read more about the session.
Music imprints itself in the brain deeper than any other human experience. Music evokes emotion and emotion can bring memory. Music brings back the feeling of life when nothing else can.
Dr Oliver Sacks